Duane Writes and Draws

Category: Writing

Reader Mailbag:

Duane, you have this cool website, but you haven’t updated it since November!
– Debbie Dunham
Modesto, CA

DW: I’ve updated it billions of times. Perhaps it was some of the best writing ever written by a human and posted on a WordPress platform. We may never know if DuaneWrites is the pinnacle of human creativity because of the CrowdStrike Meltdown.

You’re going to blame CrowdStrike for your lack of content?
– Laurie Henderson
Modesto, CA

DW: CrowdStrike messed up travel, public services, and Arby’s. It’s reasonable to blame CrowdStrike for missing content. 

Hackers 1995

What do you know about CrowdStrike?
– Carol Morrison
   Modesto, CA

DW: I thought CrowdStrike was a group of hackers from the movie HACKERS. 

You could update your website instead of creating a conspiracy. 
– Herby and the Heartbeats
Modesto, CA

DW: A high-level conspiracy to silence me is more interesting than telling you I didn’t want to update the website. However, I will update DuaneWrites more often. Probably. 

I bet you haven’t updated DuaneWrites because you lack website focus.
– Terry “Toad” Fields
Modesto, CA

DW: It’s not just website focus I lack.

You’re not a fan of the Disney Entertainment Complex?
– Bob Falafa
Modesto, CA

DW: Disney entertainment is the best, and I’m just saying that because I want them to hire me.

American Graffiti 1973

Don’t you think it’s strange that all the “readers” are from Modesto?
-Steve Bolander
Modesto, CA

DW: Yes. Yes, I do. 



Why haven’t you posted anything in almost a year?
There was a pandemic.

Posting on a blog doesn’t require you to be near people.
I returned to teaching and didn’t have time.

You wrote nothing all year?
I wrote and sketched a picture book. I also wrote and sketched EDDIE: BOOK 2.

You couldn’t find a few minutes to blog?
I don’t blog, but sometimes I like to write stuff.

Isn’t that the same as blogging?
That’s a post for another day.

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